The Quest to be Fit

Tracking my journey to better health

Toot toot! May 17, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — Kersten @ 9:29 pm
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And I ain’t talkin’ bout no train!  Get ready for TMI, and skip this paragraph if you don’t want to hear about, uh, air.  Friday night at the gym I forgot to tell you all that I had to fight to hold in, ahem, some air expressions resulting from my addition of beans and more veg in my diet.  To help solve my, er, issue, I bought a bottle of beano at the store today.  So far so good!  Have you vegetarians out there experienced a similar thing?  How do you combat it?

Now that that pleasantry is over, let’s recap my sun filled weekend…


Did I forget a pic of breakfast?  I had my oats outside in the sun

Lunch at Phil’s 1500 Subs in Forest Grove:  Small Grilled Veggie with peanut sauce.  I thought I may regret the peanut sauce decision, but it was fabulous and had a nice spicy kick that I loved.  The veg consisted of summer squash, zucchini (sp?), tomato, mushroom, olives, onions, bell pepp, lettuce, and maybe one I can’t remember. 


We headed out to Willakenzie for the Pre-Memorial Day member’s tasting, and that was great as well.  I didn’t take pics of the wine b/c we were with some of Chris’ clients and I didn’t want to be too weird at the outset, but I did take some pics of the view, and we got one of us 🙂



After hiking up to the high point of the vineyard and revisiting the tasting room we mosied toward home, getting rather ravenous as we went.  I threw together a totally weird dinner with three new ingredients, but it turned out well! 

Steamed carrots, broccoli, mushrooms, red bell pepp, corn, peas, whole wheat egg noodles, textured vegetable protein (new!), Bragg’s Liquid Aminos (new!), and VegeBase veggie bouillon (new!).  I also sprinkled in some chili flakes and garlic, and was quite pleased with the result.  I was not pleased that I horfed it down in like two seconds because of the mosquitos attacking me outside 😦



I bought the TVP a week ago, and the VegeBase Thursday, I think.  TVP is like a blank slate–add flavor in the liquid you use to hydrate it–so the possibilities are endless.  The VegeBase was yummy, and had lots of little bits of veggies in it (not too big, though) 🙂  I also liked the Bragg’s and can see why y’all are practically obsessed with it (ahem, like a certain someone who carries it around in her purse 😉 ).

After dinner we had some of this,


…and then some of this:  Drunken Goat and smoked gouda cheeses with Kashi TLC crackers…


…and then I had some of this yummy dark chocolate.


So tasty!  A nice end to my eating day 🙂


A bowl of the usual oat mix:  steel cut oats, soy protein powder, almond milk, water, raisins, cinnamon, Better’N’PB, and more water added after cooking.  Yee-yaaaah 😉


After this we headed out to furniture shop fucking finally already.  And it went great!  Our colleague referred us to a new and used store where we found everything cost 35% less than we originally anticipated, and the desk set up we’d been eyeing met our expectations and then some.  Phew, now we just need to get chairs and file cabinets picked out, which I’ll do more of on Thursday.

We stopped off at the Milwaukie Farmer’s Market on the way home, and Chris found lunch in two bratwurst from a local business.   I saw some yummy stuff, but didn’t want to pay $6 for falafel when I had so much good stuff at home. 

I whipped up a scramble using leftover veggies from last night, and added in one whole egg, one egg white, Bragg’s, avocado, and Nature’s Seasons.  Bomb!  A few berries on the side only seemed appropriate 😉


Before heading to the store I snacked on a nanner.


Freddy’s had some beautiful cherries, and they were on sale for $2.98/lb.  Yummy, and a nice change of pace.


Chris really wanted to eat at Fajitas tonight; big surprise, right?  I wasn’t quite prepared for that, but acquiesced anyway since I’m nice that way.  We sat outside and fried in the sun while we drank our huge boozy beverages and ate our comida deliciosa.  Can you guess what I had??  I don’t know that there’s really another choice for me…

Burrito vegetale con frijoles y arroz, but this time it was a parte.  Muy bien!



Breaking Bad was fucking crazy tonight…do you watch it?  You should!  I was feeling a tad wilted after being in the sun and drinking a bit; an apple sounded perfect to revitalize me.


And then PB sounded good, too, so I had this little bit eaten really slowly.


I’m heading to bed now, as I have to be up early and ready for a big meeting at 8:30.  Hopefully all goes well 🙂 

Did you have a good weekend?  Tell me about it!


It’s a bloggy blog world! April 26, 2009

It is amazing how often I think of blogging, my blog, your blogs, blog friends, etcetera.  I’m really gald I’ve found this world, and I’m amazed at the cool people I’ve “met.”  Thanks everyone for creating such a fun, educational, supportive, and inspirational network 🙂

As I mentioned last night, my house was a mess, my mind flip-flopping about my new office, and more, which lead me to think today would be stressful and shitty.  But not so!  Not at all!  I started doing little things cleaning this morning, and when I cracked open my office sketches one in particular spoke to me. 

Last night I forgot to prep my oats, but I figured out that soaking them in hot water for several minutes, then nuking them for two, creates a desirable consistency.   I almost forgot the PB!  Added it at the last minute, which meant I could play with it and eat around it so as to enjoy mucho PB bites at the end of the bowl 🙂


I didn’t go to the gym this morning since I didn’t have any clean workout clothes!  Oops!  So I did some laundry, some more office planning, and then realized I wanted to go to the gym sooner than later.  Seeing as how it was nearly lunch time I figured I should have a snack before heading out:  handful of almonds and part of a Braeburn apple.


For whatever reason I’ve not felt like doing weight training this weekend, so I didn’t.  Bad me.  I went for a full hour of cardio today instead, split between the elliptical and the stair mill.  I think I have an addiction to the stair mill.  I was so sad that the new mills were full when I got there, and when someone got off of one around 15 minutes into the elliptical I almost ran for it.  But no, I kept plugging on the elliptical.  I got nervous that the mills would be full when I was done on the elliptical, though, so around 26 minutes I jumped off that fucker and flew to the mill when a lady vacated it.  I’m obsessed 😉  The mill was worth every sweaty minute, though, all 32 of them or so. 

Lunch was a healthy scramble of two egg whites, broccoli, carrot, peppered turkey, and some avocado on top, plus a carrot and slice of ww toast w/ SB Light.  I never thought I’d say this, but it was almost like I was craving that broccoli!  Ew, who craves broccoli, you ask?  Weirdos like me I guess…100_0541

This afternoon involved a very long trip to the grocery store, and I’m not sure why exactly.  I scored some new eye cream–Garnier Nutritioniste Ultra Lift Eye Cream, and it came with a free Maybelline mascara.  Score!  When I ran out of eye cream a loooooooooong time ago I never bought more, and now I see more fine lines and dryness around my eyes.  Booo!  Hopefully that will be history soon…

Dinner tonight was a new protein with an old starch:  flank steak medallions with balsamic shallots and roasted rosemary over potatoes.  Not many greens in there, I know, I should’ve had a salad on the side.  Everything was really yummy, and I especially loved the shallots.

I did lots of little cleaning tasks this afternoon and evening, and I finally feel like I’ve tackled most of the crap that bugged me.  There are a few big projects that I hope to work on over the next few months (sort through and reorganize clothes, sort through and pare down “stuff,” etc.), but for now I’m happy 🙂

Did you all have a nice weekend?  I hope so!  Good luck heading into the week 🙂


Three-peat February 22, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — Kersten @ 10:48 pm
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The weekend is already over 😦  Sure felt like it flew by and that I didn’t really get to relax much.

I’m going to be quick so I can get to bed:

Woke up early for a Sunday, made coffee, played with the LB, and nuked my oats:  steel cut oats, 1/2 a ripe nana, cinnamon, chocolate almond milk, almond butter.  Tasty!  I detected the chocolate more in this batch and liked it 🙂


After this I was off to yoga, and The Driz did join the class today!  She did great, too!  Girl, you played like youz  novice, and you looked like a pro 😉  I hit up an upper body workout afterward, and was ruing not hitting the weights for the last 1 1/2 weeks as I did the other workouts.  They are definitely good for the legs, but seem to be lacking for the back and biceps especially.

Once home lunch was a new, delicious creation:  a scramble!  It was one egg + one white, some sliced green bell pepper, left over roasted potato, kalamata olives, feta cheese, and Nature’s Seasons.  I had it served over a piece of whole wheat toast, with some grapes on the side.  Num-num-nummy!


I did a bunch of housework, and was itching to return to the gym to do cardio.  Chris said yesterday that he wanted to go today, so I held off doing it this morning.  I told him to be ready after I got back from the store, but he was still kickin’ it watching TV!  Ahhh!  I was getting a little hungry so I had a snack of lowfat cottage cheese and a handful of Kashi TLC Fire Roasted Vegetable. 


He finally got in the shower and I cleaned the fruits and veggies.  Do you use a fruit wash?  I finally started using one a month ago and can totally tell the difference on my grapes and apples, but not so much on other things. 

Once at the gym I jumped on the elliptical and told Chris I needed at least 30 minutes of cardio.  He was done around 35 minutes; at least I got a good sweat on. 

Here’s where my blog title comes in… not exactly a surprise that we went out to Fajitas for the third night in a row.  I had a small part of a Casuela, a few chips and salsa, and split Carnitas de Pollo with Chris.  Very tasty; I had two tortillas of it.


The restaurant was really busy this weekend, and tonight Noe was all alone serving us.  He brought us a larger than usual La Casa b/c he felt bad the service wasn’t as fast, I think.  I had about half of it.  To. Die. For.

No more food today…that dinner was a little too much and has held me over quite well.  I’m off to bed, and hope to get some good rest.  I didn’t sleep so well last night, although I was in bed and sleeping off and on for about 8 hours.  I love bed, and sometimes miss the days where I would stay in it all day long reading, watching TV, doing crosswords, whatevs.  Do you ever do that?
