The Quest to be Fit

Tracking my journey to better health

When life hands you lemons… July 28, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — Kersten @ 9:12 pm

…make lemonade!  I remember buying a greeting card that said that when I found out a family friend had cancer.  The line stuck with me. 

This last week has been a bit difficult, but has also had its positives.  I think that being together with family so much this last week has helped us cope, share memories, find some comic relief here and there, and band together to be productive and face what lies ahead. 

I’ve been up and down each day, but feel best when I’m helping to do something toward my grandma’s estate and settling her affairs.  Since I’m a financial planner I naturally dove in to help the family put together a list of accounts, to-dos, etc., and begin taking action.  My grandma had a great estate attorney and accounting firm who are getting all the legal and tax ducks in a row, but all the other stuff is rather daunting to my dad and his siblings.  But, alas, I quite enjoy it.  Financial geekery, ahoy!

The last week has been filled with especially bad eating and no exercise.  Y’all get a gallery since I’m too lazy and tired to individually insert all of the pics.  But here are some highlights, per my usual m.o.:

  • Pizza three times for dinner, plus a few days of having leftovers for lunch.  Oy. vey.
  • Dessert, dessert, dessert! 
  • Mexican food for like 3 nights in a row.  E-gads!
  • Hardly any fruit and fresh veg 😦  And I can feel it 😦
  • The frickin’ heat here is INSANE.  It’s been well over 100 the last few days.  Tomorrow is supposed to be over 100 again. Then we’ll “cool down” into the upper 80’s this weekend. Amen for the A/C!!
  • The Powerball jackpot is $102M, and I bought a $4 ticket.  And no, I do not condone this activity!
  • I visited the cemetary where my grandparents have their names on a remembrance wall.  It was a beautiful, peaceful evening, and I am glad I went.
  • On Thursday I get to see Erin!!  Yayaya!  I’ve missed her so!

Hope you’re all having a good week.  I’m ready for it to be over.  Tomorrow, Thursday, and Friday I’m helping my mom finish packing, move to her new place, and clean out her old place.   Should be a disgustingly hot and sweaty endeavor.  If I survive I’ll be back soon to tell you all about it, I’m sure 😉


Ain’t life grand? July 21, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — Kersten @ 10:07 am

My life officially sucks.  I’ve been a bit of a depressed stress case the last several days, and then this morning my world was rocked a bit. 

My grandmother had an ischemic stroke late last night at her house, and my uncle found her unconscious this morning.  She’s in the hospital and still unconscious.  Her entire left brain was affected, and it does not look like she will recover at all.  This is the end of the line for her it seems 😦  I think my aunt is flying in from Colorado, and my brother from Seattle, so we can all gather to say goodbye and determine when to take her off of life support.  She is mostly breathing on her own, but every once in awhile the breathing machine kicks in.  She did not want any life prolonging measures, and at 88 I can understand why.  (Hell, at 27 I don’t want life sustaining measures.)  She’s had a long, fruitful life, but I’m sad that this all happened so fast and I won’t get to interact with her again.

Not sure when I’ll post again, but see you on the flipside.


Flippity flop July 15, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — Kersten @ 10:57 pm
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My day kept swinging from postive to negative as if some sadistic bastard were flipping a switch.  Although the day went up and down and all around, it ended on a tres positive note 😉 

Yesterday’s eats:

Kashi Go Lean with bluebs and almond milk

Kashi Go Lean with bluebs and almond milkI'm diggin' the KGL's nuances and the voluminous portions, and may just have to deal with buying more cereal in a box, packaging and all.Romaine, boca burger, yellow bell pepp, avocado, mushroom, balsamic, grape tomsOh, and some pepitas for interest. Yay!Fruit, glorious fruit! And a carrot 😉

Veggie quesadilla with guac and sc I should have skipped... Oh, and that famous Cazuela

Veggie quesadilla with guac and sc I should have skipped... Oh, and that famous CazuelaLily says hi!Check out this bush...what the hell bush has fluffy balls like that?

I’ve had issues with seeking retail therapy lately.  I run to Target, Costco, and Fred Meyer more than I should.  And that trip to WinCo.  I camethisclose to going to Walmart, too.  Yipes!  I haven’t been to Walmart in 6 years, I think.  Given that Sarah found some great prices on organic fruit, I may have to give them a try.  Gulp, what an endeavor.

Thankfully my retail therapy hasn’t ended with me buying tons of stuff; I have chosen my purchases quite carefully.  The visits are more for me to get out since I haven’t been going to work out as much, and I’ve had a few things on my mind. 

New library book!  And a repear of KGL and fruit.  Cafe, of course.

New library book! And a repeat of KGL and fruit. Cafe, of course.

 Yakisoba with tofu.  'Fu was kind of meh... I still sort of have my aversion to it.

After a really shitty 11:00-11:30, I had a great lunch from 11:30 to noon 🙂  Business speak while eating tofu yakisoba.  Not too shabby, but for the less than spectacular tofu.  I thought it would at least be sauteed or something.
Not pictured: late afternoon snack of 1/2 my usual fruit and carrot mix. 
Leftover pizza from Saturday, avocado and grape tom salad.  Also sneaked in 1/2 an ear of corn...

Leftover pizza from Saturday, avocado and grape tom salad. Also sneaked in 1/2 an ear of corn...

Although I really wanted to skip working out tonight, I went and did a full body weight session, followed by 45 slower but still uber sweaty minutes on the mill.  I am really glad I got in a full workout, and I hope to get over my desire to skip working out lately.
After working out I refueled with the rest of my fruit/carrot mix.  I almost ate a Kardea bar, but I put them in the freezer the other day ’cause they were soft, and I wasn’t about to try to eat one frozen.  Or wait for it to defrost!  Perhaps tomorrow!!
Off to bed I go… Humpty-dumpty day is officially over 😉
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