The Quest to be Fit

Tracking my journey to better health

Fruit-a-thon June 1, 2009

I couldn’t help myself this weekend in the produce sections of Fred Meyer and Costco.  I must have loaded up on 15 pounds of fruit along the way…six apples, a container of strawberries, two pounds of cherries, a few nectarines, bananas, a huge container of blueberries, and a whole pineapple.  Oh, and a kiwi ;0  I now feel compelled to eat fruit 24/7 to make sure it doesn’t go bad before I can get to it, but that’s not exactly a bad thing, no?

To save you a long read and too many pics, how about a few select pics from the last three days?

The end to Saturday’s venture to Fajitas–my own container (try it!  take your own instead of getting a disposable one from the restaurant) with my leftover burrito half, a napkin with some chips for Lily, and the infamous La Casa.


Shopping cart at Freddy’s.  Dawned on me the cart is kind of an interesting thing to look at, just like a fridge.


The now stocked fridge (pre-Costco).  I took an energy conservation tip and filled up glass jars and bottles with water, and put them in the empty sections of my fridge.  Everything is much, much colder now on the same temperature setting, and it seems like the fridge doesn’t work as hard.  It really does work! 


Sunday’s uber tasty bowl of Kashi Go Lean Crunch with fabu organic strawberries and tons of almond milk 🙂


Sunday’s yummy lunch of a half sando with Yves, an egg white, Romaine, homemade hummus (more on that in a sec), red bell pepp, and pickles. Slew of carrots, cherries, and apples on the side.


The hummus was made from dried chickpeas, soaked overnight Friday, then cooked for 1 1/2 hours Saturday (smelled like bacon while simmering–very odd but indeed yummy).  I then pureed the chickpeas with toasted sesame seeds, garlic powder, a little salt, the simmering water, red pepper flakes, and some chopped green olives.  It didn’t taste that great right away, but the next day it was more developed and quite good.

Lily posing with the pineapple.  She was intrigued by its scent.


Sunday’s exciting dinner of fruit salad, grilled portobello cap and a grilled veggie burger topped with jalapenos & pickled carrots, green & red bell pepp, avocado, pickles, hummus, and Romaine.  Tres fabu!  Oh, and some Pinot Gris 😉


Tonight’s burrito creation from Fajitas.  I tried the mole sauce on it, and had veggies, rice, and whole pinto beans inside.  Mmmm!  I love mole, haven’t had it in forever, and thought, WTF, it should work on a burrito.  Only crazy thing is it looked like Pedro was bringing me a huge turd on a plate b/c of the color of the sauce!! :0  I hope the cook was proud of his creation 🙂  LOL.


And that’s all she wrote.  I must hit the hay for an early day tomorrow.  Hope you all had great weekends and good Mondays 🙂  Adios.


Twilight zone May 6, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — Kersten @ 10:06 pm
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Do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do… are now entering the twilight zone.  This week is feeling all whack again, like today was Thursday, and two days long yet really short.  I’m expecting to wake up on the other side of Friday any minute now.

Cinco de Mayo proved to be a busy day, and I was quite a glutton.  The day started out okay with oats.  In an attempt to use up the cardboard seven grain cereal I have left, I’ve done half 7 grain and half steel cut oats for the last few days.  Defintely adds a papery taste, but is tolerable. 


Lunch was out at The Stockpot for another business presentation.  I ate the same Mediterranean Chicken I had last week, but this time it didn’t seem pan fried (good), and there were just a few asparagus instead of lots green beans (bad).  Our host also sprung for bruschetta appetizers, a green salad, and cheesecake for dessert.  I ate until I was full, and then some :shocked:

Surprisingly I got hungry a few hours later 😐  I munched on a Fuji, and then some Kashi TLC 7 grain crackers.  I can stand 7 grains here fo sho 🙂



Since it was Cinco de Mayo we had to visit a Mexican establishment for dinner; we opted for Si Senor and all was good!  I didn’t intend to have a margarita at first, but being on special I decided to split one with mi madre.  Dinner was yummy–an old favorite–Ropa Vieja.  Romaine, green olives, avocado, and cantaloupe with a vinaigrette.  And don’t forget that yummy fried tortilla shell!

Again I ate until I was full, and then some.  The flavor profile of this salad was insane, and I just couldn’t say no to the chicken and avocado especially.  And, hey, cantaloupe is good for you, so that’s not so bad, right?  Uh, yeah, tell yourself that all you want sister, it was still unneeded!

While still full I headed off to the gym, hoping to find Miss Andrea there, and I found her!  We hit up chest, back, biceps, and abs (she showed me some great new moves), then I burned off dinner on the stairmill.  I hoped to go for an hour, but since I picked up the pace I found 45 minutes was plenty. 

Although I had stuffed myself for dinner, I felt a snack was in order afterward.  I fixed up a small bowl of crack (pumpkin flax granola), added a few almonds, and topped it with a marshmallow for shits and giggles. 


The marshmallow was unneeded, but fun 🙂  After letting that settle I was still wanting something to eat, so I ate this little packet of Smart Food cranberry nut popcorn my mom gave me.  Say hi to Lily Bird!


Hm, not sure what to think of this.  Rather sweet, kinda funky flavor that grew on me, but I probably won’t rush out to buy it.  After eating this I realized that my lingering hunger was probably not hunger at all, but thirst and allergies!  D’oh!


The Twilight Zone feeling was super annoying today.  The morning seemed long, the afternoon short, and I was annoyed at several times once I realized it was only Wednesday.  Grrr!

Breakfast was the same oats/7 grain mix with the usual fixins–raisins, cinnamon, Better’n’PB.  I scarfed it down while making lunch here at home.


Lunch was perfectly satisfying:  the usual sando (wwbread, peppered turkey, avocado, romaine, pickles), a carrot on the side, and some black grapes.   Yee-haw.


Chris and I had a client workshop tonight, and dinner consisted of scarfing down the yummy food we had out at the event after it was over.  While picking everything up at New Seasons I had a focaccia bread sample:


Tonight’s selections included a fruit & cheese plate, a charcuterie plate, olive ciabatta, Valhronna 64% chocolate, Barbaresco, and Chardonnay.  My favorites were the marinated goat cheese, pepper coated salami, chocolate, and pineapple. Oh, and the olive bread! 

After the workshop, eating, and clean up, we headed over to my mom’s to pick up the LB.  Turns out the scoundrel rolled in cat shit today and still had a slight funky smell to her.  Oy vey!  So, I gave her a bath when we got home.  Why do dogs roll in cat shit?  Did she just want a bath??  I swear. 

For some insane reason I agreed to go workout with Andrea at six forty-five in the morning.   I had better move along so I can be refreshed for our leg and shoulder sesh. 



The bitch becomes her April 28, 2009

Today was really, really fast, and not in a good productive way.  While I did get some work done, we left early for an afternoon event about 401(k) business and didn’t go back to work afterward. 

Breakfast was my fave oats, but with ripe banana instead of raisins.  I couldn’t let my nanner go to waste, so even though it is overly ripe for my taste I threw half of it in.  Turned out okay!  I think the nanner addition is growing on me…


Side note–I’m such a dork!  I usually take pics at ultra high resolution, but that means that uploads take longer and more storage space is used.  Today I forgot my memory card for my camera and ended up using the internal memory, but on like 2.1mp instead of 8.0.  I think I’ll stick with 2.1.

When Chris was ready to eat lunch I wasn’t, so I snacked on my Fuji and my carrots while we talked.  The Fuji was fabulous!!  I’ve had a month of mealy or unflavorful apples, and finally I get a tasty Fuji 🙂


I made sure to capture Chris’ cute burger bun sandwich in the background.  That’s a few slices of cheese sitting on it–he likes to eat those before he has the sando. 

Before I knew it 1:15 arrived, and I realized I needed to eat my sando before we left to go downtown.  Yummy!

The meeting went well, and afterward there was a small reception at the hotel for us.  They served beef tenderloin with a cabernet sauce and rosemary garlic butter, rolls/breads/crackers, salmon-something-or-other, and a nice cheese plate.  They also passed some mushroom tartlettes, chicken mousse crostini, and tomato mozzarella skewers.  I had some beef tenderloin, some bread, and a few of the cheeses.  It was really tasty, and considering the richness of the items I ate I was ready to call it good and not eat anything else for dinner.  Chris thought otherwise.

This is where the bitch started coming out, as I got a little annoyed by our exchange in the car afterward.  C:”We’re still going to Mexican, right?” K:”That was pretty rich food and I’m good.”  C: “You don’t want to split something on happy hour?” K: “No, if I eat anything I think it needs to be fruit or veggies.” C: “But we planned on going to Si Senor afterward.” K: “That was before we knew they’d serve us food at the meeting.” C: “I would’ve eaten more if I knew that were dinner.”  Blah!  Fine, off to Mexican we went.  He said he didn’t want me to just sit there and watch him eat for an hour, but I told him that’d pretty much be the case since I wasn’t hungry.

After he ate most of the Mexican Pizza he ordered, he said to eat one so he didn’t feel so bad.  Great excuse for me to eat, so you can feel better.  I had a tiny piece of the thing with some guac on it.  Washed it down with my huge Diet Coke.


By the time we left Chris was annoying me, but not necessarily b/c of what he said, more like how he said it and the mood I was in.  I guess the PMS bitch moved in and I hadn’t realized it until tonight. 

I couldn’t get home, change, and get to the gym fast enough 😦  Feeling funktified I didn’t really feel like doing anything but a mega sweaty session of cardio while reading, so that’s what I did.  I told myself a trip to Target afterward was in order for a little shop therapy.   But first I had to do abs and stretch.  While stretching I decided I’d get a nonfat sugar free vanilla steamer at the Starbucks in Target…mmm…hot, vanilla-y yumminess to accompany me while I wandered the store.

That didn’t happen 😦  Even tho Target is open til 10, Starbucks closes at 9, like 10 minutes before I got there. Boo.   Oh well, I still wandered a bit.  I checked out some decor, then headed to the food department to look at snacks.  I was getting hungry again and everything looked really good.  Oooh, how about some Moose Munch?  Fruit leathers?  Pop chips? Pepperidge Farm cookies? (Drooling).

I decided to get Chris a bag of pretzel sticks as a kind of peace offering, and found myself some Kashi TLC snack bars.  Of course I forgot the coupon I have for them at home… oh well. 

Since I was dreaming of like 1000 things to eat while gone, I formulated a reasonable snack while driving home and went straight for it:  pumpkin flax granola, the other half of the ripe nanner, raisins, and almond milk.  Yay, so tasty, but I was still craving food. 


Out came the Genisoy Crisps!  Mucho enjoyment for minimo calories.


I let that settle, but still wanted something, and something sweet.  I grabbed the candy tray that I never touch and sorted through, pulling out Skittles and taffy.  I only ate three pieces of the taffy and called it good since I was satisfied.


I hope the bitch in me is at bay tomorrow.  Do you get emotional and kinda crazy, too?  Fuck, I may just eat those Skittles after all. 
