The Quest to be Fit

Tracking my journey to better health

Fill up already! May 29, 2009

I’m feelin’ like a black hole today in the eating department.  I’ve hardly been able to escape hunger for more than an hour or two since this morning after I ate my oatmeal.  Grrrrr. 

But, ahhhhhhh…Friday is over 🙂  In a twist of events my office move is happening next week, not tomorrow.  The project manager somehow missed that they were putting in the wrong carpet (the entire suite was already cut out room by room and waiting to be stretched into place.  OOOPS).  They offered to just put in the wrong stuff, then pay movers to move out our stuff over a weekend sometime in the next month and put in the correct carpet.  Are you kidding?  Move my just moved in, new furniture when you could just correct it now??  Puhlease.   There was also an issue with our T1 line, so it all works out okay to just move next weekend instead.

OMG, I’m watching S&TC now and loving it this episode–the one right after Charlotte marries Harry, where Carrie’s Manolos go missing at her friend’s party and the friend refuses to “pay for her lifestyle.”  Carrie adds up how much she’s spent for the friend’s wedding-, child-, and other gifts–over $2,300, and registers at Manolo for the shoes she lost .  The friend buys them 🙂  Harry walks around naked all the time after Charlotte tells him to make himself at home, but she can’t stand him sitting naked on everything and talks with him about it.  He says, “I see, we’ve got an ass/white couch situation.”  LOL!!

Okay, enough of that shat, how about some eats???


Traditional oats with steel cutters, soy protein powder, currants, cinnamon, PB, almond milk, and water. 


I think I actually worked all morning, and when Chris asked if I wanted to eat I wasn’t really hungry yet.  My salad was Romaine with leftover burrito guts, dill pickle, some add’l verde sauce, and avocado.  Cherries, apples, and carrot on the side, eaten over the course of the afternoon.


For dinner we visited Fajitas, where I probed more into the contents of the refried black beans and rice.  Supposedly there’s no lard in either, no chicken broth in the rice, and only a little bit of oil in the rice.  No shit?  Okay, Pedro…I’m gonna trust you.

I ordered a quesadilla with lots of veggies, a little bit of cheese, and guac on the side.  Score–it was tasty!  I told myself I wouldn’t drink before we went to dinner, but I ended up drinking some Cazuela and half of a La Casa.  😐



Once home I thought I’d try to catch The Drizz after her yoga class, but the booze clouded my mind and judgment.  I forgot yoga started at 7:30, not ended then, and I was a bit winded during my upper body workout. 

No way I was going to do time on the stair mill, so I walked for 50 minutes while watching “So You Think You Can Dance” auditions.  The only treadmill with a TV with closed captioning turned out not to display speed, time, incline, etc., but it worked so I just rolled with it.

 A trip to Target was in order after the workout.  Target has GREAT sales on Kashi this week!!  And check out their clearance section for a double pack of Kashi Go Lean Crunch with a coupon for a free 1/2 gallon of Silk.  I got all three items for $4.66–now that’s a bargain 🙂

Once home I tried out the cereal, but left the soy milk for later on after I blow through my almond milk.  Good stuff!  Crunchy, varied, and great drowned in the a.m.


While in the fridge I was inspired to photograph it for you after seeing the contents of many a fridge out there this week.  Can you tell I need to go grocery shopping?



Same breakfast as yesterday, but I drank more coffee today since I was feeling heady and it sounded good.  ‘Twas!


My salad was a tad different today–I tried fake meat!  I saw Sarah had tried the Yves “turkey;” I’d been eyeballing that stuff for awhile, so I picked up a packaged for myself.  Not too shabby!  I put in on Romaine with the guts of my leftover quesadilla, with dill pickles added in.  Cherries, apple, carrots on the side and for snackin’ in the afternoon.


I went for a Kashi TLC Chewy Peanut Peanut Butter Bar around 2.  So dry at first bite!  And then I remembered the miracle for bars–the microwave.  Once nuked that fucker was great!


Chris wanted a meat free dinner (I just about shat when I heard that), but, no, it wasn’t what you think.  He wanted to go out to watch the game after dinner, and figured he’d eat BBQ pork while out, so why not just leave meat out of our dinner?

I had a game plan in mind, and it turned out fabu 🙂  Roasted potatoes, onions, and red pepper with a little bit of oil and seasonings and portobello mushrooms (with their gills scraped out) roasted with Bragg’s, garlic, Italian herbs, and a little bit of olive oil.  The mushroom cap was so good!  Chris thought it was prepared well and liked the flavors, too–yippee!


I hit the gym for some cardio afterward, and sweated my ass off going faster than ever on the mill.  I did custom intervals at 105 spm/90 spm for 40 minutes, then slowed it down to 90 spm/80 spm for the last 10 minutes.  Woo-eee!

Afterward I hit up the Kashi Go Lean Crunch and almond milk.  Mmmmmm.


And then the Kashi TLC Honey Sesame crackers.  Loved ’em!!  This flavor is great, and the price was right 😉  $2.88 at Target!


I think the beast has finally been tamed.  I guess my carbtastic evening helped 😉

Thanks for bearing with me through this long post.  I know I type too much, but it’s tough for me to edit out much.  Hope you found it interesting at least 🙂  Later!


So begins a crazy week! March 9, 2009

Somehow today was a happy Monday!  I thought that was an oxymoron…

‘Twas a busy few days, or so it felt, and I’m getting rather anxious and excited for the vaca.  I hope you aren’t sick of hearing about it already… I’m also excited to post some while I’m there so y’all can partake, too!


I TOTALLY forgot to set my clock forward an hour and woke up thinking it was 8am, and that yoga was in two hours.  Not until I sat down at the laptop at 10:05 DST did I realize what had happened.  Shit, no yoga for me 😦 

Very typical breakfast, but with a splash o’ almond milk on the oats after cooking:


We finally  left for the gym at like 11:45, and I hit up an hour of legs and abs.  Mercy!  Chris was hoopin’ it up, but there was no one to play with 😦  I joined him for some shooting and a 1:1 game, and it was really fun!  He’s like 6’2 and I’m 5’5, he’s played for 20+ years and I have no real b-ball experience, and he pretty much schooled me, but we laughed our asses off the whole time 🙂

I was famished when we got home at like 2:30, and I shoved in a quick snacky lunch of ww bread with turkey, carrot sticks, grapes, and some plain yogurt with sf rasp jam.


After this I cleaned up and headed out to do some birthday shopping for the man, but I really didn’t have any luck 😦  I also did some shopping for vacation supplies, and can’t believe I blew $50 so fast!  Razor refills, toothpaste, allergy pills…shit adds up quick.

It hailed and snowed yesterday afternoon bigtime!  We had a thick layer of hail on the ground and a little flurry of flakes.  Pretty, but effin’ cold, mo’ fo’s.  I’m ready for it to warm up already.

For Chris’ first birthday dinner of the week we headed to Black Angus in Vancouver.  Chris loves the prime rib there, and I kind of struggle to find decent things on the menu, but last night was really good overall.  I had a few small pieces of their yummy molasses bread with butter, about half of my salad with a really oniony vinaigrette, and about half of my teriyaki sirloin with a baked potato and steamed veggies.  I also grabbed a few of Chris’ fries 😉




I was quite full when leaving, but eventually needed a little something to wrap up my day.  The house is really devoid of food, way more than I realized, and I broke into the box of South Beach Diet PB cereal bars I bought for the trip.  Not too bad…crispy, PB’y, and hit the spot.

I ate this while watching Breaking Bad on AMC.  Have you seen that? Or Mad Men?  Two of the best shows out there!



I couldn’t sleep much last night! It sucked to wake up and move around, not feeling quite tired or comfortable enough to just pass out like I needed to.  We got up a bit earlier to be at the office by 8, but that turned into 8:30 with us lagging and traffic sucking a bit b/c it was snowing again!  I forgot to prep my oats last night 😦 so I had a cereal mess of shredded wheat and Essential 10 with lots of almond milk.


Work was very busy I ate some around 12:30–ww bread with turkey, grapes, Fuji, carrot sticks.


My 1:00 was an energy intensive meeting, but well worth it. I was nervous about it b/c he emailed me and was like “we should meet.” Those are often foreboding words, but once we sat down it was all good.  Yay! 

So, do you remember how I said I was upgrading my computer?  It was so I could gain full access to work applications at home or on vacation, and it turns out I’m screwed.  I spent 45 minutes on the phone with a guy from the technology help desk trying to figure out a way to fix the issue that I didn’t realize I had until I called randomly about something related.  I have Vista Home Premium, which is not compatible with a few of the applications (even tho they’re okay with Vista Business), and my computer could have totally crashed, but I’m lucky and somehow the whole disk encryption application didn’t kill my computer.  Shit.  That woulda sucked!  Turns out I need to install Vista Business or XP Professional to create compatibility with the other software I need to run.  Bleh.  Maybe it isn’t worth it…moving on.

Tonight we had Chris’ second birthday dinner of the week, this time at Godfather’s Pizza with his parents.  I swear, what else could I do this week to throw off my fitness program?!  But, I must admit that the pizza tasted really and I was able to enjoy two pieces and a small beer without feeling guilty 🙂


I realize that doesn’t look so appealing now… I blotted off the extra grease and put some parm and chili flakes on it.

We have leftovers, so I think pizza may be in my near future again.  I really love pizza and admit it is one food I have missed a lot over the last four months.  I’ve had it a few times, and have really tried to savor it each time.  Nothing like a special treat now and then, right?

We got home around 9, and Chris pretty much went straight to bed!  Very odd for him.  I used the opprtunity to sneak out and birthday shop, and buy a few groceries for the week.  I had success with his birthday gift, and Lily got him something, too 😉 

I’m pooped…it’s just after midnight and I’m going to join the man in bed.  That’s twice in the last week he’s beat me to bed–so rare!  Hope you all had a good Monday 🙂


Tues to Wed February 18, 2009

Quickly my friends, as I’m tired.


Rather blue about my weight loss/fat loss progress… a client told me he’s lost like 20 lbs in 5 weeks on the South Beach Diet and I wanted to crawl in a hole with my measly 10 lbs in 3 months.  I mean, you guys see how I eat, it’s not that terrible, it’s no more than 1500 cals/day most days, and I exercise a lot.  I seriously think my only-half-an-hour of cardio January fucked up the progress.  Whatevs, I’m still motivated and pushing forward.

Usual oats:


Turkey and ww butt sando, Kashi TLC crackers, F-f-f-fuji!


The rest of my crackers with lowfat cottage cheese.


The infamous Casuela from Fajitas.


The ever familiar tortilla soup with jalapenos.


The most decadent drink ever…La Casa.  Creamy heaven in a glass.


I hit up the gym after dinner (I had just a few sips of the Casuela and gave that and over half of my La Casa to Chris), and felt a little out of it from my funk.  Did one of the four week bikini workouts, an ab workout, and 15 glorious minutes on the elliptical.  I didn’t do as much cardio intentionally; trying to do 45 minutes 4-5 times per week and thought I could use a lighter day time wise.

I ran by the store for a veggie and fruit stock up fest on the way home since I was feeling bad about my progress.  Figured I’m not eating enough fruits and veggies anyway, so buying a lot and integrating them more would be good.


Better day mostly, but I’m so tired. 

Loving the Maranatha in my oats.  If you remember from when I first put it in my oats I said it wasn’t flavorful enough there, but I was wrong.  Today it really shined through and was perfect.


Different lunch today…a little too light.  Spinach salad with turkey and cucumber, carrot and celery sticks, and grapes.


Dinner was ww linguine with Prego sauce and a little canned parm.  Classy, I know.  Tasty, but I forgot the pic!

Master Recyler class was good:  construction & demolition reduction/reusing/recycling; green building & renovation; and event recycling.  Great presenters and some tasty eats:  small homemade kumqwat (sp?) and cranberry scone, few tbsps Costco trail mix (waaaaaaay too salty).


And that’s all she wrote, folks.  Here’s hopin’ your Wednesday was wonderful 🙂