The Quest to be Fit

Tracking my journey to better health

Fo’ shizzle June 24, 2009

Whoosh, there goes Wednesday 😉  Pretty good day, but I was avoiding some not so good conversations at work. 

Started the day off with a glorious bowl of Nature’s Path Pumpkin Flax Plus and GingerZing granolas with almond milk, 1/2 a nanner, some strawbs, and some bluebs.  (I feel silly saying “bluebs”…kinda like boobs.  Hehe, I’m a dork.)  I think I need to downsize this breakfast a little cuz I feel a bit tad full afterward.


Lunch was really cool today–catered affair downtown at a mutual fund company where we heard from like 8 portfolio managers.  So cool!  My plate has:  vegetable pasta salad with pea pods, baby bell pepps, grape tomatoes, parmesan, penne; strawbs, mango, pina, canteloupe; spinach and strawberry salad.  Berry good! (Dude, I’m in full dork mode now…) I also had a cup of apple cinnamon tea that was nice.  Chris and I were early so I sneaked in the pic before others were sitting at the table 😉


Since lunch was rather light and intellectually stimulating I was getting hungry once we got back to the office.  I finished up the rest of my fruit/veg from yesterday, and added some cheese cubes from last night.


And then I went back for more cheese and antipasti:


Love those balls!

Dinner was really yummy–a voluminous yet light mix of goodies to fuel my workout.  Butternut chips with organic ketchup, steamed broccoli, steamed corn with a tiny bit of Smart Balance Light, and a piece of New Seasons olive bread (toasted it and added a tad of SBL after I took the pic).  Lurved it all!!


Chris was taking his sweet time digesting, and by the time we left for the gym I felt like I needed a snack.  I had half a nanner and some toasted almond bits.


At the gym I did a good leg workout, a little bit of shoulders with Chris, and some fast and furious cardio.  Chris said the basketball situation was ridiculous (there were no balls to warm up with)and he didn’t feel like waiting around to get one.  I asked him to run with me for a little bit, and he did!  We both ran a fast mile and called it good.  I know, a whopping like 10 minutes on the treadmill, but at least we got a sweat on and pushed ourselves to run fast the whole time 🙂

I dreamed of a smoothie while getting cleaned up, and whipped up some almond milk, Genisoy chocolate shake mix, ice, and ground flax.  I was tempted to put fruit in, but opted to have it on the side.


Et voila!  That’s all folks.  Hope your Wednesday flew by and that you’re ready for the homestretch.  Can’t believe the end of June is here…. yipes, where’d the time go?!