The Quest to be Fit

Tracking my journey to better health

Twilight zone May 6, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — Kersten @ 10:06 pm
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Do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do… are now entering the twilight zone.  This week is feeling all whack again, like today was Thursday, and two days long yet really short.  I’m expecting to wake up on the other side of Friday any minute now.

Cinco de Mayo proved to be a busy day, and I was quite a glutton.  The day started out okay with oats.  In an attempt to use up the cardboard seven grain cereal I have left, I’ve done half 7 grain and half steel cut oats for the last few days.  Defintely adds a papery taste, but is tolerable. 


Lunch was out at The Stockpot for another business presentation.  I ate the same Mediterranean Chicken I had last week, but this time it didn’t seem pan fried (good), and there were just a few asparagus instead of lots green beans (bad).  Our host also sprung for bruschetta appetizers, a green salad, and cheesecake for dessert.  I ate until I was full, and then some :shocked:

Surprisingly I got hungry a few hours later 😐  I munched on a Fuji, and then some Kashi TLC 7 grain crackers.  I can stand 7 grains here fo sho 🙂



Since it was Cinco de Mayo we had to visit a Mexican establishment for dinner; we opted for Si Senor and all was good!  I didn’t intend to have a margarita at first, but being on special I decided to split one with mi madre.  Dinner was yummy–an old favorite–Ropa Vieja.  Romaine, green olives, avocado, and cantaloupe with a vinaigrette.  And don’t forget that yummy fried tortilla shell!

Again I ate until I was full, and then some.  The flavor profile of this salad was insane, and I just couldn’t say no to the chicken and avocado especially.  And, hey, cantaloupe is good for you, so that’s not so bad, right?  Uh, yeah, tell yourself that all you want sister, it was still unneeded!

While still full I headed off to the gym, hoping to find Miss Andrea there, and I found her!  We hit up chest, back, biceps, and abs (she showed me some great new moves), then I burned off dinner on the stairmill.  I hoped to go for an hour, but since I picked up the pace I found 45 minutes was plenty. 

Although I had stuffed myself for dinner, I felt a snack was in order afterward.  I fixed up a small bowl of crack (pumpkin flax granola), added a few almonds, and topped it with a marshmallow for shits and giggles. 


The marshmallow was unneeded, but fun 🙂  After letting that settle I was still wanting something to eat, so I ate this little packet of Smart Food cranberry nut popcorn my mom gave me.  Say hi to Lily Bird!


Hm, not sure what to think of this.  Rather sweet, kinda funky flavor that grew on me, but I probably won’t rush out to buy it.  After eating this I realized that my lingering hunger was probably not hunger at all, but thirst and allergies!  D’oh!


The Twilight Zone feeling was super annoying today.  The morning seemed long, the afternoon short, and I was annoyed at several times once I realized it was only Wednesday.  Grrr!

Breakfast was the same oats/7 grain mix with the usual fixins–raisins, cinnamon, Better’n’PB.  I scarfed it down while making lunch here at home.


Lunch was perfectly satisfying:  the usual sando (wwbread, peppered turkey, avocado, romaine, pickles), a carrot on the side, and some black grapes.   Yee-haw.


Chris and I had a client workshop tonight, and dinner consisted of scarfing down the yummy food we had out at the event after it was over.  While picking everything up at New Seasons I had a focaccia bread sample:


Tonight’s selections included a fruit & cheese plate, a charcuterie plate, olive ciabatta, Valhronna 64% chocolate, Barbaresco, and Chardonnay.  My favorites were the marinated goat cheese, pepper coated salami, chocolate, and pineapple. Oh, and the olive bread! 

After the workshop, eating, and clean up, we headed over to my mom’s to pick up the LB.  Turns out the scoundrel rolled in cat shit today and still had a slight funky smell to her.  Oy vey!  So, I gave her a bath when we got home.  Why do dogs roll in cat shit?  Did she just want a bath??  I swear. 

For some insane reason I agreed to go workout with Andrea at six forty-five in the morning.   I had better move along so I can be refreshed for our leg and shoulder sesh. 



A better day by far November 15, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — Kersten @ 10:34 pm
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Happy Saturday-almost-Sunday 🙂  Today was a much better day for me, involving lots of productivity around the house and some tasty eats, oh, and some birdies!  Get ready for lots of pics…  I’m having issues figuring out how to gallery only certain pics; I number the ones I want in the gallery, but they ALL appear in the gallery after all.  Sorry!

I slept pretty well last night, but woke up here and there, and was tired this morning.  I finally got out of bed just before 9, went out with Lily (tons of birds), got ready to go to the gym, made some coffee, and had the last of my CascadianFarms Vanilla Oat Crunch with almond milk.  I was a total klutz andthrew coffee grounds everywhere when transferring them from the grinder to the basket.  I find myself getting klutzy right before my period, how about you?  I tried to do some menu planning and make the grocery list before leaving for the gym, but I was too rushed and left it for later.


After this I was rather full (had a big glass of water, too), and afraid that it would hamper my workout, but not so.  Pilates was good, but I wasn’t able to do all of the moves in today’s class for a lack of strength I suppose.  Loved the tight core feeling after leaving the class–work those abs, baby!  I also did some back and biceps exercises before heading out.

When I got home there was some major wildlife action in the backyard:  four squirrels and tons of birds.  We had robins, waxwings, hummers, juncos, jays, a nuthatch (my favorite, but no photo), chickadees, towhees, and I think a few song sparrows.  Here’s some of the day’s pics for your perusal.  That last one is of Lily smooshing her nose into the back door while watching the squirrels–it was too funny!

For lunch I didn’t have much but eggs to build on, so I made a two egg omelette with spinach, avocado, salsa, and a little cheddar.  It was so tasty!  I loved the mix of all the flavors, and could have left out the cheese after all. I was a total klutz while making this, too, and flung egg over the stove when I lost control of my spatula.  Oof!  That’s my trusty Nature’s Seasoning in the background…goes with just about everything!


 I cleaned up and proceeded to go outside with Lily again, and photograph even more.  After that I finished the menu planning and grocery list, and headed to Fred Meyer.  When I got there I thought I was in for it (there were like 3 shopping carts left–you know what that means) but it wasn’t too bad.  People were more aware today and not as aloof blocking the aisles and all that annoying stuff.  While looking through the lunch meat I practically ran into the Laughing Cow sale display, and put a Light wheel in my cart.  My total bill shocked me, but I suppose I bought some things I don’t get every week.

Got home, unpacked the stuff, and was getting hungry.  All that yummy food to choose from…options were plentiful and I finally decided on Kashi TLC 7 grain roasted veggie crackers, a wedge of Laughing Cow Light, and a gala apple.  It. Was. So. Yummy.  Especially the cheese on the apples–to die for!

100_0044Yum yum yum yum yum yum yum

Chris was napping, so I had a bit of the afternoon to myself and decided to sort my recycling and clean up the kitchen.  There are some things, plastics mostly, that cannot be recycled at the curb, so I put those in a giant bag and will take them to a recycling depot every once in awhile.  Sadly, though, the company that accepts those hard-to-market plastics (that’s why they don’t go in curbside, as they don’t have an active buyer’s market locally) is putting its collections on hold because of a slowdown in their business.  Poo!  Oh well, I guess that bag will just get extra-giant by the time I take it in. 

I emptied out my fridge of old condiments and a few food items that had to go.  Now, don’t get the wrong idea here… I really try hard not to over-buy food or waste things, but there are still some things that manage to go in there and stay past their prime.  It felt good to get rid of that clutter in the fridge, and to be able to recycle or reuse every container, bottle, or jar.  Here’s what I pulled out:


After this I emptied the dishwasher, did some handwash, and started getting dinner ready.  I made a chicken stir fry with carrots, broccoli, cauliflower (ick, for Chris), celery, and broc slaw; I used red wine vinegar, chicken broth, stir-fry sauce, and corn starch to make the sauce to flavor everything up.


It was good, but a little bit salty for me.  I made sure to drink extra water afterward. 

All I could think about after dinner was that yummy Laughing Cow Light experience I had earlier!!!  I kept telling myself not to eat unless I got hungry, but you know how thinking of food can make one hungry, right?  Chris asked if I wanted some wine, so that distracted me for awhile.

But, around 9 I finally broke down and had this:

100_0056All that for about 120 cals 🙂

Well, that’s about it for today.  Tomorrow I think I’m having 2 breakfasts!!  Yay!  My favorite meal 🙂  I’m going to lunch at the Original Pancake House with my mom and one of our friends, so I’m sure that will be my 2nd breakfast of the day.  Oh, one more cute pic of a passed out Lily before I go…

